Stijn Roelandt
Stijn Roelandt is Client Director at Venture Spirit.
"The introductory Bachelor courses on electromagnetism probably laid the foundation to my interest in applied physics, and by extension photonics. The most intriguing aspect of photonics for me is that it enables a plethora of industrial applications. My master thesis on three-dimensional LED projection systems is just one of these examples. In the subsequent years, the research group B-PHOT gave me the opportunity to continue my research on projection systems, more specific on laser projection."
"Even though a PhD is challenging and pushes you to find answers which have not been investigated before, I was always able to rely on the extensive network of B-PHOT, its group of experts, the high-end prototyping capabilities and the positive atmosphere. In this regard, I was fortunate enough to collaborate with leading experts at the University of Joensuu in Finland for several months. In addition, I always had access to industry-grade equipment, be it through industrial partnerships allowing me to work with cinema-grade projection systems or by being able to manufacture technologically challenging components like a rippled light pipe. This type of support has been instrumental to conduct my research."
"My time at B-PHOT defined to a large extent how I operate today. Even though I no longer work in photonics, my broad technical expertise and approach of analyzing bigger problems by shaping them into smaller, manageable challenges still aid me in solving the kind of problems I get in my current job on a daily basis."