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Flashback to Photonics Summer Symposium 2018


It’s almost the end of the Summer, good time for a flashback to our Photonics Summer Symposium that closes the academic year for most of our MSc. students. The two-days Symposium both at VUB and UGent, starts with a guest lecture followed by the presentations of the 2nd year master students. After the presentation of their master thesis project to a jury of professors and to their peers, everyone could ask questions to find out more about the research of the students. If you’re intrigued by the variety of thesis topics within our master: at the end you will find an overview of the presentations by the students in June*.

As part of the Summer Symposium tradition, the jury awarded special mentions to two students who outperformed on their thesis or thesis presentation. For the class 2016-2018, the awards go to…

Pieter Verhulst (VUB) for the Best Master Thesis:

Data Communication over Multimode Optical Fibers based on Speckle Pattern Classification. Towards space division multiplexing.

Promotors: Prof. Dr. Guy Verschaffelt, Prof. Dr. Guy Van der Sande; Supervisor: Jaël Pauwels

Zuyang Liu (UGent) for the Best Thesis Presentation:

Grating-based optical filters and Fourier-transform spectrometers on a silicon nitride waveguide platform using electron-beam lithography

Promotors: Prof. Dr. Roel Baets, Dr. Eva Ryckeboer; Supervisors: Xiaomin Nie, Nina Turk

To celebrate the end of the year and graduation, students and professors mingled during the graduation reception organised by the Photonics Society Ghent. Students who were on international exchange could virtually attend the Symposium through live-streams. They will present their thesis beginning of September, good luck to them!

* Students and master thesis topics of class 2016-2018

Day 1 at VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Towards lamb wave based damage detection in composite materials with Bragg gratings in birefringent optical fibers

Shun-Hao YU

Two-photon polymerization-based 3D nanoprinting for optical fiber connectivity applications


Large diameter plastic optical fiber receiver based on current assisted photodetectors


An investigation into the wavelength influence on laser processing of raw material for the diamand tooling industry

Pieter VERHULST– closed session

Data communication over multimode optical fibers based on speckle pattern classification – Towards space division multiplexing

Day 2 at UGent – Ghent University


Photonics and machine learning solutions for cell sorting applications

Katrijn CLAEYS

Multiple Exposures of Photoalignment Material for Complex Liquid Crystal Micropatterns

Xiangyu XUE

Technology and optimization of optical axis gratings based on liquid crystal thin films

Zuyang LIU

Grating-based optical filters and Fourier-transform spectrometers on a silicon nitride waveguide platform using electron-beam lithography

Jiaxing DONG

Location-aware variability analysis for silicon photonics circuits

Lambda X Photonics Summer Symposium 2018

Pieter Verhulst (VUB) - Best Master Thesis 2018

test grid block