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Hiring talent in Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Fibers


B-PHOT has built theoretical and experimental expertise on modelling and design of photonic crystal fibres as well as on characterisation and implementation of PCFs for various applications. Our dedicated research team achieved breakthroughs in the demonstration of PCFs for low-bending loss fibres, large mode area fibre lasers and optical fibre sensors based on fibre Bragg gratings.

The objective for the postdoctoral researcher within the multi-partner project is to combine innovative photonic crystal fibre technologies with the peculiar optical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to enable a new generation of second harmonic generation based microscopy. More specifically:

  • She/he will carry out extensive simulations for investigating and designing dedicated optical fibres for this purpose whilst also guiding the fabrication of the fibres, and the CNT hybrids insertion within the fibres.
  • She/he will optimize the devices consisting of dispersion and phase-engineered micro-structured optical fibres equipped with CNTs in view of the second harmonic generating functionality that needs to be achieved, taking into account the actual manufacturing constraints.
  • In addition to the simulation work, the Post-Doc will characterize the fibres once purchased or fabricated. She/he will participate in the fabrication during stays at UMCS (Lublin, Poland) and the University of Antwerp (Antwerp, Belgium).

In view of the groundbreaking nature of the targeted research, there will be plenty of opportunity for the Post-Doc researcher to strengthen his/her research track record with high-impact publications.

Interested in joining the team of a top-notch international research group in photonics? Apply before 15 October 2018, by email addressed to Prof. Thomas Geernaert (tgeernae@b-phot.org)

All details on candidate profile, requirements and job offer can be found here