FWO projects (Research Foundation Flanders)
The following FWO funded projects are currently running at B-PHOT:
- Unraveling the nonlinear optical behavior and boosting the performance of nonlinear photonic integrated circuits enhanced with 2D materials : Our goal is to theoretically and experimentally investigate four-wave mixing in graphene-covered waveguides and self-phase modulation in MoS2-covered waveguides to unravel their nonlinear behaviors and boost their performances.
- Versatile optical frequency comb generators : We aim at advancing the technology of Optical frequency combs (OFCs) generation in Vertical- (External)-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs and VECSELs) and fiber lasers, relying on the development of new optical materials and improved understanding of the physics underlying comb generation.
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/versatile-optical-frequency-comb-generators-ikv-bilaterale-samenwerking-met-china - Hexagonal micro-laser with integrated microsphere cavity : new monolithic structure for high-bandwidth, high-quality optical chaos.
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/hexagonal-micro-laser-integrated-microsphere-cavity-new-monolithic-structure-high-bandwidth - All-optical sub-THz signal filtering with multi-COLOR lasers : The goals are four-fold: (1) design and realize multi-colour lasers with tailored spectra to achieve filtering at precise frequencies; (2) study the underlying filtering mechanism to optimize the filter performances; (3) develop on-chip control techniques based on optical feedback to control the filter properties; (4) make a Proof-of-Concept demonstration of the filter on an InP photonic integrated circuit emitting in the telecom band, i.e. at a wavelength around 1.55 um.
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/erc-opvangmandaat-all-optical-sub-thz-signal-filtering-multi-color-lasers - Towards compact multimodal spectroscopic devices for the read-out of microfluidic organs-on-chip : Research activities will concentrate on the introduction of a new paradigm topic to develop compact multimodal (spectroscopic) imaging units; namely polymer-based freeform optics. Although we apply a generic approach, the specific outputs within this proposal are units for DILI (drug-induced liver injury ) screening which record fluorescence as well as Raman signals.
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/towards-compact-multimodal-spectroscopic-devices-read-out-microfluidic-organs-chip - FIONA - Fiber sensing Interrogation based on nONlinear dynamics of LAser diodes: The results of this project could lead to simpler and cheaper interrogation devices whilst providing hypersensitivity and ultra-high read-out frequencies and thereby push the frontier of fibre optic sensing.
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/fiona-fiber-sensing-interrogation-based-nonlinear-dynamics-laser-diodes - Human stem cells-on-a-chip: a new 3D platform for drug-induced liver steatosis
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/human-stem-cells-chip-new-3d-platform-drug-induced-liver-steatosis - Design and manufacture of clinically relevant polymer-based stents for chronic rhinosinusitis
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/design-and-manufacture-clinically-relevant-polymer-based-stents-chronic-rhinosinusitis
- CHARMING - Carbon nanomaterial enhanced optical fibres for biomedical imaging and sensing : CHARMING will research into nanocarbon equipped optical fibres enabling the detection of down to 10 cancer cells as well as imaging of proteins in a tumorous environment with a 10-fold better sensitivity compared to current systems. By delivering this technology, CHARMING aims to contribute to the advent of advanced fibre-based tools empowering early in-vivo cancer diagnosis.
More info : http://www.eos-charming.be/
- CONTACTLUB - Computational Modelling of Thermo-Elastohydrodynamic Lubricated Contacts: focusses on the development of reliable, accurate and well-validated multi-scale computational models to simulate the transient response of Thermo-Elasto-Hydrodynamic Lubricated (TEHL) contacts in gears and bearings.
More info : https://contactlub.be/
- Fiber-Bragg-Grating Manufacturing Station
- Pilot line for advanced freeform glass optics : prototyping, replication and metrology
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/pilot-line-advanced-freeform-glass-optics-prototyping-replication-and-metrology
The following projects funded by FWO are finalized :
- ReFlex – REconfigurable node for FLEXible secure networks
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/reflex-reconfigurable-node-flexible-secure-networks - Advanced cell-instructive photo-hydrogels for laser-based high resolution 3D printing
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/advanced-cell-instructive-photo-hydrogels-laser-based-high-resolution-3d-printing - Free-form beam shaping optics for biodegradable burn wound dressings
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/free-form-beam-shaping-optics-biodegradable-burn-wound-dressings-0 - Inkjet printing as novel route towards the development of optical materials
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/inkjet-printing-novel-route-towards-development-optical-materials - Biodegradable fiber optic technology for biophotonic applications
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/biodegradable-fiber-optic-technology-biophotonic-applications - Towards an integrated groundbreaking photonic crystal fiber sensor for reliable measurements of 3-D stretch fields and shear stresses in materials and structures
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/towards-integrated-groundbreaking-photonic-crystal-fiber-sensor-reliable-measurements-3-d - Robust vibration-based damage identification with a novel high-accuracy strain measurement system
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/robust-vibration-based-damage-identification-novel-high-accuracy-strain-measurement-0 - Miniaturized disposable lab-on-a-chip sensor for drinking water contaminant detection.
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/miniaturized-disposable-lab-chip-sensor-drinking-water-contaminant-detection - Diamond-based integrated nonlinear photonics: exploring lasing, wavelength conversion and entangled-photon generation in on-chip diamond photonic devices
- SECONDOS: Smart electro-optical components for the direction of solid-state light.
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/secondos-smart-electro-optical-components-direction-solid-state-light - SSC - SelfSensingComposites (SSComposites)
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/ssc-selfsensingcomposites-sscomposites - Effective Structural Health Monitoring with Additive Manufacturing (eSHIM)
- Platform for Advanced 3D-Stacked Image Sensors ( 3-SIS)
- Multipectral microscope for imaging ultraviolet, visible and infrared light propagation in photonic chips
More info : https://researchportal.be/en/project/multispectral-microscope-imaging-ultraviolet-visible-and-infrared-light-propagation - Low-cost waferscale plastic micro-fluidic biophotonic chips